
Region strategy

The current 2-year region strategy was developed in Spring 2022 in consultation with the County Commissioner Group and Region Advisers. 

We also carried out a consultation process across the region called ‘Hear me out’ to inform our strategy and ensure our young voices were heard.  It was launched in June 2022 and gave all units the opportunity to give feedback on their favourite guiding memories, future guiding adventures they would like to have, what their concerns are and how we can help them feel empowered.


The Trustees support the Chief Commissioner to ensure the effective governance of Girlguiding North East England.

The group is made up of:

  • Region Chief Commissioner (chair)
  • Deputy Region Chief Commissioner responsible for governance
  • Chair of the Finance & Risk Group
  • Two County Commissioners
  • One trustee who is a member of NEE who is under 30 at the time of application
  • One external trustee.

In addition to the Trustee Group, there is the Finance & Risk Group and the County Commissioner Group. 

The Finance & Risk Group reports to the Trustees and advises on all financial matters, implementation of the region’s finance policies and the management of the risk register. 

The County Commissioner Group provide their recommendations to and receive feedback from the Trustees.

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