
Girlguiding is part of a global community. 

At North East England we have an active international team who plan and lead regular international trips.

Keep up-to-date with international opportunities with North East England on the region events calendar.

Postcards to Brussels.

Save the date! 21.02.2026

Meet the region in Brussels for a wide game. More info coming soon!

Badge competition!

We need a badge for Postcards to Brussels, enter the competition by downloading the info below.


Guiding Overseas Linked with Development (GOLD) gives members aged 18-30 the opportunity to work with a fellow Member Organisation of WAGGGS on a specific area of developing guiding.

After attending a Go for GOLD selection weekend, teams of six members are put together, five participants supported by a leader with previous GOLD experience.  During the three-week project, you will have the opportunity to improve and learn new skills, experience new cultures, and play a part in growing guiding overseas.

International Selection.

Every year we open a ballot for Guides, Rangers & Young Leaders to apply to join the international selection weekend. Names are drawn at random and you are invited to join the weekend, which is usually a camp. Look out for the next ballot on the events page.

The adult selection weekend is held ahead of the girl selection weekend, look out for the info on the events page.


International Community Experience (ICE) is for Guides aged 11-13.  The purpose of an ICE weekend is to give girls a taste of community action, increase their global awareness and prepare them for international experiences.

ICE presents a chance for the girls to learn what community action involves in an international setting, exploring different communities by volunteering with community links, such as RNIB, the Forestry Commission on the Isle of Man, Guide Dogs, and other similar organisations.

Follow the region ICE team for regular updates on international opportunities:


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