

National Girlguiding Awards

Challenges and Badges

We regularly produce challenge packs which leaders can use with their units, or individuals can do on their own or with a group of friends.


It is Girlguiding North East England policy to subsidise, wherever possible, region-run events and training courses to make it fair and equitable to the benefit of all members who take part.

Grow, Shout, Share

We’d like as many girls as possible to join in, but we also need our amazing volunteers to make it happen!


At North East England we have an active international team who plan and lead regular international trips.

Where to stay around the region

We have lots of Girlguiding-owned properties around the region that offer residential opportunities.

Safe Practice

It is at the heart of everything we do, and it’s the responsibility of every Girlguiding volunteer, member, and member of staff. 

Training & Qualifications

Without the skills and commitment of our amazing leaders, we wouldn’t be able to make guiding happen.


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