Challenges and Badges.

Like everyone else in Girlguiding here at North East England we love a badge! 

And we like to set challenges too.

We regularly produce challenge packs which leaders can use with their units, or individuals can do on their own or with a group of friends.

We try to ensure that they are relevant to everyone and do our best to link the activities to the Girlguiding programme.

You can order all our challenge badges from the region shop.

Mayday Mayday!

Girlguiding North East England and the RNLI have partnered to create a water safety resource for Rainbows, Brownies, Guides & Rangers with a focus on the 4 key safety messages which the RNLI has adopted as part of the Water Safety Code.

Educating young people and their families about water safety is fundamental to saving lives in, on and around water, and is a core part of the RNLI’s prevention work. The more young people we can reach with our water safety messages, the more lives we can save now and in the future. As a Girlguiding volunteer, you really can make a lifesaving difference.

Badges cost £1 each, plus postage, and are available to purchase from the region shop.

Olympic Challenge.

Welcome to the “Paris 2024 Olympic challenge badge”! As the world gathers to celebrate the spirit of competition, unity, and achievement in the 2024 Olympics, members of Girlguiding are invited to embark on an exploration that bridges the thrill of sports with the values that make the Games a truly remarkable event.

Badges available from the region shop.

Grow, Shout, Share.

The Chief Commissioner’s Challenge for 2024 is all about growing guiding.

We’ve called it Grow, Shout, Share, because there are lots of ways we can all help to grow guiding.  This includes ‘growing’ up in guiding and helping girls move to the next section, ‘shouting’ about what we do and letting everyone know how enjoyable it is, and ‘sharing’ with our local communities and being seen out and about.

This challenge is closely linked to the guiding programme, and we have included lots of suggestions for UMAs that you can complete as part of the challenge.

Badges cost £1 each, plus postage, and are available to purchase from the region shop.

Step Out.

The Step Out Badge is to recognise members who have taken part in a walking activity with their unit or on Girlguiding trips no matter how long or short the distance. 

We hope to encourage members to put on their walking boots and get outdoors, explore new places and have adventures on foot.  The badges can be awarded to any Girlguiding North East England member who has taken part in a walk as a unit, residential or other Girlguiding activity.

The badges can be awarded to any member who has taken part in a Girlguiding residential trip, a unit walk or hike, Duke of Edinburgh expedition or similar. The badges recognise all levels of achievement and encourage members to build up to bigger walks whilst also seeing the positive impact walking has on our wellbeing and health.  We hope that members will see an improvement in their walking and orienteering skills, and encourage others to start walking and collect the badges too.

Who can take part in the scheme?

Any member from Rainbows to adult members, and members of the Trefoil Guild.

How many badges are there?

There are currently 15 badges available for the following kilometres covered: 1km, 2km, 5km, 10km, 15km, 20km, 25km, 50km, 75km, 100km, 125km, 150km, 175km, 200km and 250km.

How do we record the walks?

You can download the individual record cardHow units choose to keep a record is up to them.  We just ask that unit leaders fill out an individual record card to give to a girl when she moves sections, so she can give this to the new leader.

How are Step Out badges verified?

Unit leaders are asked to record Step Out badges for girls in their unit. Adult members and Rangers are asked to get another member of their unit or adult at an event to sign their record card.

How do I order the badges?

Badges are available to purchase from the Region shop.

Sleep away.

The badges can be awarded to any member for nights spent away on Girlguiding activities.  From a Rainbow sleepover in the local village hall to an international trip to one of the World Centres, and everything in between.

We hope units will award the badges to both girls and leaders to acknowledge achievement.  From that scary first ever night away (at whatever age) to the higher number of nights away, as an acknowledgement and thanks for all the time that has been given to Girlguiding to achieve this.

Who can take part in the scheme?

Any member from Rainbows to adult members, and members of the Trefoil Guild.

How many badges are there?

There are currently eleven badges available for the following numbers of nights: 1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200.

How do we record sleep away nights?

You can download the individual record card, along with a unit spreadsheet record.

How units choose to keep a record is up to them, and you are free to change the spreadsheet if you can think of a way you would prefer to use it.  We just ask that unit leaders fill out an individual record card to give to a girl when she moves sections, so she can give this to her new leader.

How are sleep away nights verified?

Unit leaders are asked to record sleep away nights for girls in their unit. Adults and members of the Senior Section are asked to get another member of their unit or adult at an event to sign their record card.

How do I order the badges?

Badges are available to purchase from the Region shop.


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